Sound Familiar?
In avoidance, dogs are naturally drawn to avoid situations that are likely unsafe or have a history resulting in an aversive or negative outcome.
Getting stressed out.
Licking, it is likely that your dog is feeling anxious or fearful.
Has boredom set in
Some dogs become fixated on lights, reflections and shadows, especially those with a high predatory drive. Light and shadow chasers often begin their obsession with shadows or reflections as a fun game that relieves boredom.
Not enough exercise
Spinning is a sign of an over-excited dog, which means an unhappy dog. The dog has excess energy, and the only way her brain knows how to deal with it is to work it off physically.
Pulling on the leash
One of the most common reasons dogs pull on their lead is because they’ve learned that’s how they get to move forward. So whenever your dog pulls, taking just one step with them clearly signals that pulling works.
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