Dog Blog2022-07-30T16:52:31+01:00

Why First-Time Dog Owners Should Prioritise Professional Puppy Training for a Successful Pet Experience

January 15th, 2025|Canine Behaviour, Dog Blog, Dog Breeds, Dog Development Classification Stages, Dog Training, Focus Training, Freedom and exercise, Health and Welfare, Puppy Training|

Bringing home a new puppy is an exhilarating experience, especially for first-time dog owners. Whether you’ve chosen a purebred or a designer mix, you’ve likely invested considerable time and [...]

Freedom and exercise are vital for a dog’s growth and happiness

October 7th, 2024|1 2 1 dog training, Canine Behaviour, Continuation Training, Dog Blog, Freedom and exercise, Health and Welfare, Play training|

Here's why: Physical Health: Regular exercise helps maintain a healthy weight, strengthens muscles, and supports overall physical development. It also helps to prevent health issues such as obesity and [...]

For many homeless, their dog is more than just a pet

August 11th, 2024|Canine Behaviour, Dog Blog, Dog Training, Freedom and exercise, Health and Welfare|

As I journey around, I often contemplate the similarities between the well-behaved nature of people experiencing homelessness and that of their dogs. As a dog trainer and behaviourist, I [...]

Freedom exercise and creating harmony with your dog

June 23rd, 2024|1 2 1 dog training, Canine Behaviour, Canine Behaviour Modification, Dog Blog, Freedom and exercise, Health and Welfare|

Freedom and exercise are crucial for the development and well-being of any dog for several reasons: Physical Health: Regular exercise, such as brisk walks, interactive play sessions, and agility training, [...]

Impulse control and focus training with Craig The Dog Man

April 29th, 2024|1 2 1 dog training, Focus Training, Impulse Control, Training|

What is impulse control?  Dogs are just like humans, and their impulses to do things are like ours! Dogs' urges to get out the front door or out of [...]

What age to start leash training a puppy?

March 11th, 2024|1 2 1 dog training, Dog Blog, Focus Training, Health and Welfare, Pulls on the Leash, Puppy Training, Training|

If you're wondering, congratulations. You are on the right track and highly likely to get great results. The vast majority of pet owners think that puppies and dogs know [...]

Add some sparkle to someone’s Christmas. 

December 3rd, 2023|1 2 1 dog training, Canine Behaviour Modification, Dog Blog, Dog Training Voucher|

Christmas is the season of hope and goodwill; if you are looking for gift ideas that steer away from the less meaningful 'stuff' like diet plans and lousy romance [...]

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Why First-Time Dog Owners Should Prioritise Professional Puppy Training for a Successful Pet Experience

January 15th, 2025|Canine Behaviour, Dog Blog, Dog Breeds, Dog Development Classification Stages, Dog Training, Focus Training, Freedom and exercise, Health and Welfare, Puppy Training|

Bringing home a new puppy is an exhilarating experience, especially for first-time dog owners. Whether you’ve chosen a purebred or a designer mix, you’ve likely invested considerable time and [...]

Freedom and exercise are vital for a dog’s growth and happiness

October 7th, 2024|1 2 1 dog training, Canine Behaviour, Continuation Training, Dog Blog, Freedom and exercise, Health and Welfare, Play training|

Here's why: Physical Health: Regular exercise helps maintain a healthy weight, strengthens muscles, and supports overall physical development. It also helps to prevent health issues such as obesity and [...]

For many homeless, their dog is more than just a pet

August 11th, 2024|Canine Behaviour, Dog Blog, Dog Training, Freedom and exercise, Health and Welfare|

As I journey around, I often contemplate the similarities between the well-behaved nature of people experiencing homelessness and that of their dogs. As a dog trainer and behaviourist, I [...]

Freedom exercise and creating harmony with your dog

June 23rd, 2024|1 2 1 dog training, Canine Behaviour, Canine Behaviour Modification, Dog Blog, Freedom and exercise, Health and Welfare|

Freedom and exercise are crucial for the development and well-being of any dog for several reasons: Physical Health: Regular exercise, such as brisk walks, interactive play sessions, and agility training, [...]

Impulse control and focus training with Craig The Dog Man

April 29th, 2024|1 2 1 dog training, Focus Training, Impulse Control, Training|

What is impulse control?  Dogs are just like humans, and their impulses to do things are like ours! Dogs' urges to get out the front door or out of [...]

What age to start leash training a puppy?

March 11th, 2024|1 2 1 dog training, Dog Blog, Focus Training, Health and Welfare, Pulls on the Leash, Puppy Training, Training|

If you're wondering, congratulations. You are on the right track and highly likely to get great results. The vast majority of pet owners think that puppies and dogs know [...]

Add some sparkle to someone’s Christmas. 

December 3rd, 2023|1 2 1 dog training, Canine Behaviour Modification, Dog Blog, Dog Training Voucher|

Christmas is the season of hope and goodwill; if you are looking for gift ideas that steer away from the less meaningful 'stuff' like diet plans and lousy romance [...]

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