Fouling and Urination
Fouling and urinating in the home There are a variety of reasons for a dog to defecate in the home: over excitement, fear or anxiety, housetraining problems or medical issues.
Barring medical problems, this can be managed by addressing the underlying causes and intervention to break the cycle of behaviour.
The Client Zone
As a client of The Dog Man you have exclusive, unlimited access to the Client Zone for 3 months from the start of your training package.
This includes:
- Course Material
- Training Notes and Plans
- Behaviour Fact Sheets
- Exclusive Training Tips and Advice
- Personal Video Tuitions
- Online Messaging with The Dog Man for Continued Support
The Client Zone is designed to aid you on your journey, providing invaluable reference material and refresher notes, giving you that extra support in between classes and following the completion of your course.